Saturday, April 4, 2009


The front page of our newspaper showed an adorable picture of a baby elephant born in the local zoo last week

I'm in one of those weird moods where random thoughts swirl. (you get them too right? right?) It got me thinking about elephants. Elephants, being huge, seem to need a huge name--well, like "Elephant". In Japanese they are called "Zo". What! Couldn't they think of a larger name?

Next thought...that baby looks so cute and you want to just squeeze him. He was 290 pounds when he was born. 290!

Next takes about 6 months for a baby elephant to gain control of that trunk. At first it just waves around randomly. Kind of like a baby having no control over his arms and fingers. Once they master that trunk though, they can pick up something as small as a peanut with it.

Final thought...elephants are smart but are they artistic? Give some elephants a paintbrush and humans say art has been created. Do you think elephants think that? Or are they just randomly waving their trunk with no thought process involved? Well, either way, this girl bought an elephant painting and hung it in her entryway for all to see.

Art lover or sucker---you decide.

Talk at you later, Rumi


  1. Doesn't LOVE it. I missed the paper this morning.

  2. I actually saw an elephant doing some painting at a zoo. I thought it was pretty cool. However, I have to say, maybe it was just waving its trunk around. Who knows and in the end who cares? We like it and it brings a smile to our faces. What could be wrong about that?

  3. Check out the elephant paintings at and watch Animal Planet's Faithful Friends on April 18 at 9AM and National Geographic on May 3, 10PM. You will see how elephant paintings are helping to save their species. We filmed the YouTube video "Original Elephant Painting" and both TV programs contacted us to film shows. Please announce this to all your friends and family. Thanks! Purchasing elephant art is a very good thing!!!!

  4. Hmmm, I have lots of intrusive and random you are ok there, girly. i like the elephant info, and thank you for the lesson in elephandom. Not really a word but being a creative type...Thanks so much for your lovely comments on my Blog. i appreciate it. hugs for another fabricaholicic...don't think thats spelled quite right...LOl Robin

  5. I like it. I think you did right by buying and hanging that painting, I don't care who or what painted it.

  6. Art- I was even seeing letters of the alphabet in the pic or should that read elphabet. :-) As for random thoughts, yes loads all the time. I need an internal sorting office. LOL

  7. Love the newspaper article about the baby elephant - so sweet. Lovely artwork and for such a great cause!

  8. That is a lovely work of art. Perth Zoo also has painting elephants! I spoke to a zookeeper and she said that elephants in captivity get bored easily so this is a great form of therapy for them as well as fundraising for the zoo! Our elephants also play soccer!


  9. oh man.. I LOVE this post. You do know I am making an elephant baby quilt.. don't you?
    :-) And is that truly a piece of elephant art??? That is wonderful. And I do like it. So many fun things about elephants.. thank you Rumi. :-)

  10. I saw an elephant painting on TV. I hope that girl didn't pay to much for that painting.

  11. I could Pretend to be an Elephant and paint a few things that look like that....I know I am a very bad Girlie. robin

  12. Aren't there some 'flowers' that are kind of shaped like that???
